Business Analysis

Our expert team members assist you in making better strategic decisions by identifying patterns and trends from your business data so that you can gain a competitive advantage by staying ahead of market trends, Leverage your data and achieve business goals with us at Assystant.

Why us

Because we understand the importance of expertise when it comes to choosing the right product for your business. Because we believe in long-term relationships to create strategies perfect for business and achieving your business goals and objectives.

How can we help

  • Get on-demand expertise on products and services

  • Launch your business into the market with ease.

  • Assign resources and have clarity in communications.pp

Case study

Check out how Assystant has helped organizations on multiple fronts to solve their problems and get solutions that are specific to their organization.

  • image of computer
  • Maximizing Efficiency: Streamlined Property Management

  • Our client required a CRM that could handle data of a huge magnitude. They required a CRM that would integrate well with their existing tool stack and would give them automated workflows. Since our client deals with a huge consumer base it requires a CRM that can handle a huge magnitude of data. They also needed a highly scalable CRM that would be much more efficient than their legacy system.

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  • Increase repeat purchase with mobile app integration

  • As nutrition supplement is a niche market, with a majority of sales, generating from repeat buyers. The client wanted to make the buying process more convenient by making its products accessible through mobile devices Initially, we accessed and analyzed data of the client’s existing e-commerce portal from Analytics tools. Based on the usage pattern of the current e-commerce website, we conceptualized the cross-platform mobile application and developed using React-Native.

  • Biomedical Devices - Digital Transformation
  • Managing health data from remote biomedical IoT devices

  • The client is an Italy based medical device innovator, designer, and manufacturer that aims to improve people’s health through technology and innovation.Our consultants worked closely with the client to understand and analyze their products to advice on the features and architecture of the web and mobile applications. The architecture planning also involved the utmost care of the security aspect of the project because of a large volume of sensitive user’s health-related data