Businesses of all sizes are increasingly relying on cloud computing for their data analytics and software development needs. While cloud computing offers numerous benefits, it also comes with certain risks. In this blog, you will learn about the common cloud security risks.
With newer advancements in technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence(AI), industries are adopting cloud computing to make their work easier. However, the real question arises: Are you secure? Cloud computing does have its risks, but they can be tackled. However, these risks can escalate if you ignore or overlook them. In this blog, we will explore the common cloud security risks of cloud computing and how to address them.
So it is crucial to keep them well-managed and must be regularly monitored.
Data breach
Compliance issues
Data loss
Insecure APIs
Lack of cloud-native security tools
Threats can arise due to a lack of cloud-native security tools. Nowadays, the cloud has transitioned from standard web application development to container-based deployment. When the entire environment is vulnerable, it can be considered the attack surface. With each new task, a new vulnerability is introduced. Sometimes, openly accessible workloads may result from using multiple microservices.
Hijack accounts
A Dos or DDos attack
- Difficulty loading a specific website.
- Rapid loss of connectivity among devices connected to the same network.
Lack of organic security as a part of application development
Lack of cloud security strategy and cloud computing skills