The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential for project achievement.

Why Relationships Matter in Outsourcing

Strong relationships go beyond just technical skills. Effective communication, trust, and collaboration are key ingredients in any successful software development project. When you establish a positive rapport with your outsourcing partner, you can more easily:

  • Overcome Obstacles: Challenges are inevitable. A strong relationship fosters open communication, allowing you to tackle issues head-on and find solutions together.
  • Adapt to Changes: Project requirements often evolve. Trust and clear communication make it easier to adjust plans and keep everyone aligned.
  • Achieve Your Goals: By working collaboratively towards a shared vision, you increase your chances of delivering a project that meets your objectives.

Building a Strong Foundation: Communication and Cultural Understanding

  • Effective Communication: The cornerstone of any successful relationship, clear and consistent communication is even more critical in outsourcing due to potential time zone differences. Regular communication, whether through video calls, project management tools, or emails, ensures everyone is on the same page regarding project needs, timelines, and expectations.
  • Understanding Cultural Differences: Today’s world necessitates collaboration across cultures. Taking the time to understand and appreciate cultural nuances, including communication styles and working practices, fosters a more productive and inclusive team environment. Embracing diversity can lead to more creative solutions!

The Case for Outsourcing to India

India is a leading destination for IT outsourcing, attracting companies like Google and Facebook. This popularity stems from several factors:

  • Cost Savings: India offers a lower cost of living compared to many Western nations, translating to potentially significant savings on your project.
  • Large Talent Pool: India boasts a vast pool of highly qualified and skilled IT professionals, software developers, and technical support staff.
  • Technical Expertise: The Indian IT sector is well-developed, offering expertise on par with international standards, making collaboration seamless.

Examples of Success: Global Tech Giants Partnering with India

Several leading tech companies leverage India’s outsourcing expertise:

  • Accenture, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Google, and Cisco: These industry giants benefit from India’s strong position in global outsourcing, particularly its large pool of highly skilled IT professionals.
  • Accenture: Their extensive operations in India highlight the country’s proficiency in business process outsourcing.
  • IBM: Their reliance on Indian expertise showcases India’s strength in IT services and software development.
  • Microsoft and Oracle: Their development facilities in India emphasize the country’s role in software innovation and research.
  • Google and Cisco: Their reliance on India’s specialized IT companies for project-specific needs and technical support demonstrates India’s value proposition: high-quality, cost-effective IT services.

Conclusion: Humanizing Outsourcing for Sustainable Success

By approaching outsourcing with a “human touch,” you can create not just a successful business partnership but also a team environment that fosters collaboration and builds long-term, sustainable projects. Remember, strong relationships are the foundation for achieving your outsourcing goals.

Additional Tips:

  • Consider incorporating team-building exercises or virtual social events to strengthen relationships between your in-house team and the outsourced team.
  • Invest in clear and concise project documentation to minimize communication roadblocks.
  • Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your outsourcing partner.

By these tips, you can create a positive and productive outsourcing experience for everyone involved.

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

  • Everything about AI Strategy Consulting

  • AI strategy consulting has become a huge point in these days of software development. With so many AI models to choose from in the market, it is extremely crucial that you know which one is the best for you. Learn more.

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Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities.

Staff augmentation:

Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel. This technique enables firms to cover specific skill gaps or scale up their staff for a limited time. Here are some significant benefits and considerations for staff augmentation.


There are several benefits of augmenting your staff. You can have a sense of control and also manage your project well when your staff is augmented 

1. Control and Flexibility

With staff augmentation, businesses can manage the project, timetables, and deliverables. They may immediately supervise the augmented team’s work and effortlessly incorporate external resources into current operations.

2. Cost-effective Scalability

Hiring additional talent for short-term needs via staff augmentation is sometimes less expensive than retaining a full-time workforce with different skill sets.

3. Knowledge Transfer

 Augmented workers can contribute new views and talents to the project, promoting knowledge transfer throughout the business.


There are several things to consider if you want your staff to be augmented, they are 

1. Management Overhead

To guarantee alignment with internal teams, augmented teams must be coordinated and managed efficiently, with clear communication routes in place.

2. Skills Match

Finding external resources with the necessary skills and cultural fit may be difficult and time-consuming.

Project Outsourcing:

Project outsourcing is entrusting an external vendor or partner with the whole or part of project lifecycle, from planning to execution and delivery. This technique has distinct advantages and challenges:


1. Access to Specialized Expertise:

A limited talent pool within your location may restrict access to specific skill sets. Outsourcing allows you to tap into a global pool of experts, finding the perfect fit for your project needs.

2. Cost Savings:

Outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs can offer significant savings on salaries, benefits, and infrastructure compared to building an in-house team.

3. Focus on Core Business:

Outsourcing frees you to focus on your core competencies and strategic initiatives while experienced partners handle specific project aspects.

4. Increased Efficiency and Scalability:

Established outsourcing firms often have streamlined processes and resources in place to handle projects efficiently. Scaling project teams up or down becomes easier as needed.

5. Innovation and Fresh Perspectives:

Outsourcing partners bring a wealth of experience from working with diverse clients. This can lead to innovative solutions and approaches you might not have considered internally.

6. Reduced Risk and Shared Expertise:

By outsourcing specific tasks, you mitigate risks associated with areas outside your core expertise. The outsourcing partner shares the responsibility for project success.


Since the project is managed by another business, you need to consider some things before choosing this option. 

1. Loss of Control:

Handing over the project to an external entity entails giving up direct control over day-to-day operations and decision-making.

2. Dependency hazards

Relying only on external vendors can lead to dependency hazards, particularly if the vendor’s performance or availability varies.

Selecting the Right Fit:

When selecting between personnel augmentation and complete project outsourcing, consider the following factors:

1. Project Complexity

Project outsourcing may be more appropriate for complicated, large-scale projects that need specialized talents.

2. Financial and Timeline

Determine financial restrictions and project timetables. Staff augmentation allows you greater flexibility in controlling expenses and timeframes.

3. Internal Capability and Control

Evaluate internal capabilities to establish the control and engagement needed throughout the project’s lifespan.

4. Risk Appetite

Determine the risk tolerance and dependencies associated with each method.

The decision between staff augmentation and complete project outsourcing is based on project-specific requirements, organizational goals, and the desired balance of internal control and external knowledge. A comprehensive evaluation of these aspects can assist firms in making educated decisions that are consistent with their strategic goals. Each strategy has advantages; the challenge is to use them effectively to produce positive project outcomes.

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Assystant is an AI first organisation

  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

  • Everything about AI Strategy Consulting

  • AI strategy consulting has become a huge point in these days of software development. With so many AI models to choose from in the market, it is extremely crucial that you know which one is the best for you. Learn more.

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Everything about AI Strategy Consulting

AI is rapidly transforming businesses, and with it comes the rise of AI strategy consulting. This specialized service helps companies leverage AI technologies to achieve their goals and gain a competitive edge.

What is an AI Strategy?

An AI strategy is a roadmap that outlines how a company will use AI to achieve its business objectives. It involves understanding the potential applications of AI, as well as the technical, operational, and ethical considerations.

Key Questions Addressed by a Good AI Strategy:

  • AI Goals: What are the company’s objectives for AI? These goals might include improving operational efficiency, enhancing customer satisfaction, or driving innovation in products and services.
  • Application Areas: How and where can the company leverage AI? This involves identifying business areas that can benefit from AI and understanding how different solutions like machine learning and natural language processing can be implemented.
  • Implementation Tools: What resources are needed to put AI into practice? This considers the expertise, data, and technology required to build, deploy, and maintain AI systems.
  • Risks and Ethics: How will the company manage the potential risks and ethical implications of AI? This includes considerations around data privacy, bias in AI systems, and potential job displacement.

Why is AI Strategy Consulting Important?

AI strategy consultants offer a unique blend of technical knowledge and business acumen. They can help companies with various aspects of AI adoption:

  • AI Readiness Assessment: Evaluate the company’s current state of AI readiness.
  • Vision Definition: Define a clear vision for AI adoption within the organization.
  • Proof of Concept (POC) Development: Develop and test potential AI solutions to demonstrate their feasibility.
  • Roadmap Creation: Build a roadmap outlining the implementation process with realistic timelines.
  • Team Composition and Cost Estimation: Recommend team structure and associated costs for AI projects.
  • AI/ML Architecture Review: Review the technical architecture of AI and machine learning solutions.
  • Risk Management: Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with AI implementation.
  • AI Solution Implementation: Help implement AI solutions aligned with business goals.

The Role of Data Strategy in AI Consulting

Data is the fuel for AI. A well-defined data strategy is crucial for successful AI implementation. It outlines how data will be collected, processed, stored, and used to support AI initiatives. A robust data strategy ensures:

  • Data Quality: The data used for AI models is accurate, reliable, and consistent.
  • Data Governance, Security & Privacy: Compliance with relevant data privacy regulations is maintained.
  • Identifying Valuable Data Sources: Finding relevant and high-quality data sources to train and improve AI models.
  • Data Integration: Breaking down data silos to create a comprehensive view of the organization’s data landscape.
  • Data Management Infrastructure: Optimizing resource efficiency through selection of appropriate tools and infrastructure for data management and analysis.
  • Data Collection, Enrichment, and Augmentation: Strategies for collecting, enriching, and augmenting data to improve the performance of AI models.
  • Alignment with Business Goals: Data strategy aligns with overall business goals to drive innovation and competitive advantage through AI solutions.

Benefits of AI Strategy Consulting

  • Develops a Tailored Strategy: Consultants leverage their expertise in AI technologies, market trends, and best practices to create a customized AI strategy for your company.
  • Identifies AI Opportunities: They assess your business needs and identify potential areas where AI can be applied to create a significant impact.
  • Maximizes ROI: Consultants ensure efficient resource allocation, risk mitigation, and alignment with business goals to maximize your return on investment in AI.
  • Encourages Innovation: Their guidance fosters a culture of innovation, helping businesses unlock the disruptive potential of AI.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Consultants provide insights and expertise to support informed decision-making throughout the AI adoption journey.

The AI Strategy Consulting Roadmap

AI strategy consulting services guide businesses through their AI journey, encompassing various stages:

  1. AI Readiness Evaluation: This initial step assesses the organization’s preparedness for embracing AI technologies. It evaluates the current IT infrastructure, data quality, employee skillsets, and the alignment of AI with business objectives.
  2. AI Strategy Development: Consultants collaborate with stakeholders to define strategic goals achievable through AI solutions. The strategy outlines specific technologies, targeted applications, and the necessary infrastructure and resources.
  3. AI Deployment Planning & Support: This involves selecting the appropriate technology, building and testing solutions, integrating AI into existing systems, and evaluating solution effectiveness. Consultants provide guidance and support throughout this process to ensure technical execution aligns with the strategic plan. They may also offer project management assistance

Learn more about Assystant’s AI strategy consulting services. Contact us.

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

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Integrating ATS with CRM – a simple guide

TL;DR: Integrating an ATS and CRM can make it easy to keep track of your customers and talent data. This blog is a guide on how to do so.

Integrating an applicant tracking system (ATS) with your existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system can provide a seamless and efficient experience for managing both candidate and customer data.

Steps for Integrating ATS with CRM

1. Define ATS integration requirements for CRM:

Identify specific integration requirements based on your company’s needs. Determine the data fields and objects to sync between ATS and CRM. Common data to integrate include candidate profiles, contact information, application status, and interview notes. Ensure you understand what data needs to flow between the systems and in which direction.

2. Configure integration settings:

Once you select an ATS, work with the provider’s support or implementation team to configure integration settings. This involves establishing a connection between the ATS and CRM systems. Provide the necessary authentication credentials, such as API keys or tokens, to enable secure communication between the systems.

3. Map and synchronize data:

Map the corresponding data fields between the ATS and CRM systems. For example, match candidate information fields in the ATS with contact fields in the CRM. Ensure that the data mapping aligns with your company’s processes and data structure. Set up data synchronization rules to determine when and how data should be transferred between the systems, such as real-time updates or scheduled batch transfers.

4. Test the integration:

Before fully deploying the integration, thoroughly verify the data synchronization and workflows between the ATS and CRM systems. Validate that candidate information flows correctly from the ATS to CRM and vice versa. Test various scenarios, such as creating updated candidate records, updating candidate information, and tracking application status changes.

5. Training and educating users:

Provide training to the users who will use the integrated ATS and CRM systems. Ensure they understand how the integration works, how to access and update data, and how to troubleshoot any integration-related issues. Document the integration process and provide user guides or manuals for reference.

Monitor and maintain the integration: Regularly monitor the integration to ensure data accuracy and resolve any issues or discrepancies. Keep in touch with the ATS provider to receive updates, bug fixes, and improvements. As your company evolves, periodically review the integration to accommodate any changes in processes or systems.

Remember, the complexity of the integration process may vary depending on the specific ATS and CRM systems you choose. It’s recommended to involve your IT department or consult with integration experts to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. Contact Assystant for more information about the integration of CRM and ATS with different systems

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

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5G and connected devices 

 5G is the latest generation of wireless network technology that offers faster speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity compared to previous generations. It enables download speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second (Gbps) and supports real-time interactions with ultra-low latency. 5G is designed to accommodate the growing demand for data-intensive applications and the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing for seamless connectivity and improved user experiences. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, and entertainment, by enabling innovative applications and driving digital transformation.5G technology is set to revolutionize the world of connected devices by offering significant advancements in terms of speed, capacity, latency, and scalability. Here’s how 5G can help with connected devices:

  1. Faster Speed and Enhanced Capacity: 

5G networks provide significantly faster data transfer speeds compared to previous generations. This high-speed connectivity allows connected devices to transmit and receive data quickly, enabling real-time interactions and seamless experiences. With increased capacity, 5G can support a massive number of connected devices simultaneously, addressing the scalability challenges of existing networks.

  1. Reduced Latency:

 5G networks also offer ultra-low latency, minimizing the delay between sending a command and receiving a response. This near-real-time responsiveness is critical for applications that require instant feedback, such as remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, or industrial automation. Hence, Reduced latency enables faster decision-making and enhances the overall user experience of connected devices.

  1. Massive IoT Deployment:

 5G networks are designed to support massive Internet of Things (IoT) deployments. Traditional cellular networks have limitations in connecting a large number of devices due to network congestion and limited capacity. 5G addresses these challenges by leveraging technologies like Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and Cat-M1, which allow for efficient and scalable connectivity of billions of devices, from smart homes and wearables to industrial sensors and smart cities.

  1. Improved Reliability and Network Slicing: 

5G brings improved reliability and network-slicing capabilities. Network slicing allows network resources to be divided into virtualized networks, each tailored to specific requirements. This enables dedicated and optimized connectivity for different types of connected devices, ensuring reliable and secure communications. Critical applications can have their own dedicated slice with guaranteed bandwidth and low latency, while less critical devices can share resources in separate slices.

  1. Edge Computing and Distributed Architecture: 

5G networks facilitate the integration of edge computing, bringing processing capabilities closer to the devices and reducing the need for round-trips to remote data centers. Edge computing enables faster data processing and analysis. Therefore making it ideal for applications requiring real-time insights or low-latency decision-making. Connected devices can leverage the edge infrastructure for local data processing, reducing reliance on centralized cloud services.

  1. Enhanced Mobility and Coverage: 

Additionally, 5G networks provide improved mobility support, allowing connected devices to seamlessly switch between base stations while maintaining a reliable connection. This is crucial for applications involving moving devices, such as autonomous vehicles or drones. Additionally, 5G offers broader coverage, including support for both densely populated urban areas and remote locations, ensuring connectivity across various environments.

  1. Enhanced Multimedia Experiences: 

5G’s high bandwidth and low latency enable enhanced multimedia experiences for connected devices. Streaming high-definition videos, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and immersive gaming become more accessible and enjoyable. 5G networks can handle the increased data demands of multimedia-rich applications, delivering high-quality content and interactive experiences on connected devices.

  1. Enabling New Use Cases:

 5G’s transformative capabilities unlock a range of new use cases and industries. For example, in healthcare, 5G enables remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and surgical robotics. In smart cities, 5G powers intelligent transportation systems, smart grids, and environmental monitoring. In manufacturing, 5G enables Industrial IoT applications like predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and robotics. These new use cases leverage 5G’s high speed, low latency, and massive device connectivity to drive innovation and efficiency in various sectors.

Additionally, 5G technology brings substantial improvements to connected devices by offering faster speeds, increased capacity, reduced latency, and enhanced reliability. It enables the deployment of massive IoT networks, supports edge computing, and opens up new possibilities across industries. With 5G, connected devices can deliver superior performance, and seamless connectivity, and enable innovative applications that drive the next wave of digital transformation

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • Assystant is an AI first organisation

  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

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Cost of making own GPT solutions

With the increasing popularity of GPT, many businesses are running the AI race to build a GPT solution of their own. But a huge factor to consider is the cost. Even though GPT is a new technology and has the potential to reduce costs, it is a new technology that needs to be learned by engineers.

This results in a lack of skilled employees capable of building a functional GPT solution.

So what variables influence the cost?

Several variables can affect the price of constructing a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) solution.

The main cost drivers are the complexities of the targeted application, the quantity and quality of the training data, the computational resources needed for training and inference, and the expertise and development time needed. Costs related to data collecting and preprocessing, training infrastructure, software development, fine-tuning, and ongoing maintenance are often the primary costs involved in implementing a GPT solution.

Additionally, employing pre-trained GPT models could incur license fees. In this blog, we will see what exact factors affect the cost and what factors to consider to build a GPT solution. 

What is GPT exactly?

OpenAI created this advanced language model GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It makes use of a deep learning architecture known as a transformer, which enables it to comprehend and produce text that resembles that of a person. GPT is capable of a variety of natural language processing tasks, including answering questions, composing articles, and even having conversations. Developers trained it using enormous volumes of internet-based data. Additionally, GPT can produce coherent and pertinent responses based on context by learning language structures and patterns. It has several uses in fields including customer service, content creation, and language translation and has displayed extraordinary language understanding.

With GPT’s enhanced conversational capabilities, customer service and chatbots can develop into more sophisticated systems. Hence, it is possible to improve language translation and interpretation, facilitating easier cross-border communication. In this blog, we will help you consider factors to consider before boiling down to a price range to build a GPT solution of your own. 

The cost of building a GPT solution can differ from project to project and the complexity of the project. Also, the availability of resources is a point to be considered. Let us dive deeper into the factors that matter to build a successful project with GPT.

1. Development Effort

The complexity of the solution directly influences the cost. The time spent designing, developing, and testing the solution is extremely important. Applications with more advanced features will typically require more development work, which will increase the cost.

2. Scope and features

The cost directly depends on the size of the software solution and the features it provides. The more features there are, the longer and more labor-intensive it will be to implement them, which will raise the cost. The inclusion of GPT functionality, such as natural language processing, language production, or chatbot capabilities, may also call for extra resources and knowledge, which raises the entire cost.

3. Resource and data requirement 

A GPT solution can function well only if developers feed a lot of training data. The accessibility and availability of pertinent data can influence the cost. If the necessary data is available, it can reduce the price. However, the final cost may go up if getting and preparing the required data is difficult or time-consuming.

4. Infrastructure requirements 

GPT models are computationally demanding and frequently call for a lot of processing power. Hence, Infrastructure costs, such as those for servers, storage, and GPUs or TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) for training and inference, can make a sizable contribution to overall costs. In comparison to building up and maintaining an internal infrastructure, cloud-based services may offer a more flexible and affordable choice.

5. Skillset 

Building software employing GPT necessitates knowledge of deep learning, natural language processing, and machine learning. The availability and expense of qualified specialists with the necessary skills can affect the final cost. Hiring skilled software developers, machine learning engineers, and data scientists with experience in GPT-related technologies can raise costs while improving the quality of the solution.

Normally speaking this is decided on a per-hour basis . Generally speaking the rate is a minimum of 35 dollars per hour. 

A simple project like a chatbot exactly like ChatGPT can take upwards of 100 hours however complex solutions for data analysis and workflows can take way more than that. 

6. Maintenance and support 

For any software solution, ongoing upkeep and support are crucial. The overall budget should take user support, bug patches, and routine upgrades into account. Furthermore, it could be expensive and resource-intensive to include methods for model retraining or fine-tuning to sustain performance over time.

7. Licenses and intellectual property 

Licensing GPT models, libraries, or frameworks may be expensive, depending on the particular use case and needs. The overall cost may also be impacted by legal issues with intellectual property rights, data protection, and compliance.

Urgency and user training, documentation, and ongoing user support can impact the costs. However, these are variable costs and they may or may not be present in every project. 

Even though there are so many factors involved that may increase the costs and the competition, businesses have options for GPT for a myriad of advantages over other Natural Language Processing Technologies. Some examples include

a. Language comprehension:

GPT excels in comprehending and producing content that appears human. It can recognize a variety of linguistic nuances and linguistic situations because it was trained on a vast corpus of text data taken from the internet. This makes it possible for GPT to successfully understand and react to a wide range of user inputs.

b. Generalization and Adaptability: 

ChatGPT can respond to a variety of user inputs, even those it hasn’t seen before, by generalizing from its training data. Even when given inputs that differ from the distribution of the training data, it can still produce relevant results. Because of its capacity to generalize, ChatGPT may be easily adjusted to suit various use cases and domains.

c. Wide-ranging Language Support: 

GPT-based models, like ChatGPT, have been trained on enormous volumes of multilingual text data. Thus it enables  them to comprehend and produce text in a variety of languages. GPT is useful for applications that need multilingual capabilities or language translation because of its vast language support.

d. Continuous learning: 

Developers can update and enhance GPT continuously via a feedback loop. It can improve over time by incorporating user feedback and doing routine model upgrades. This makes it possible for ChatGPT to adjust to user preferences, fix errors, and gain knowledge from interactions, resulting in better responses and increased user happiness.

So to conclude, with a lean development team and prioritizing features, you can reduce the cost associated with building a GPT-based solution. With a strategic approach, it is possible to have a solution with GPT by optimizing costs. Strategies like prioritization, testing, and using cloud-based and open-source resources can help you have a cost-effective solution with a revolutionary technology like GPT. 


What is GPT?

GPT, or “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” is a language model that can produce text that resembles human speech using training data.

Which applications can GPT build?

A variety of applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, content creation tools, customer support systems, and more may be built with ChatGPT. Due to its adaptability, it may be used in a variety of conversational AI settings.

Why use GPT?

GPT has advantages like Natural language processing abilities, the capacity to manage intricate and dynamic discussions, and the capacity to learn and adjust to user behavior over time which can be used to build an app.

How much will it cost to build an app using GPT?

Several variables, like the complexity of the application, the number of features needed, the size of the development team, and the hourly rate of the development, might affect the cost of developing an app with ChatGPT.Typically, developers’ hourly rates begin at 35 dollars.

 Usually, it can cost between a few thousand dollars and several hundred thousand dollars to design an app using ChatGPT.

Will the cost involve the cost required for training the engineers?

No, the base 35$ per hour is the cost required for the project. The learning curve is not subject to the software development costs. 


  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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Digital Experience Monitoring – A Beginner’s guide

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) refers to the practice of monitoring and measuring the quality of the digital experiences that users have while interacting with various digital platforms and services. It’s an important part of the customer experience.

It encompasses the end-to-end user journey, including websites, mobile applications, and other digital touchpoints. Therefore, DEM provides insights into the performance, availability, and usability of digital services from the end-users perspective.

It is important because it helps with the following purposes:

1. Performance Monitoring:

DEM involves tracking and analyzing the performance of digital services to ensure optimal user experiences. Performance monitoring includes measuring metrics such as page load times, response times, server latency, and network latency. Additionally, performance monitoring helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, ensuring that digital services are delivered in a fast and responsive manner.

2. Availability Monitoring:

Availability monitoring focuses on ensuring that digital services are accessible and functioning properly at all times. Also, It involves monitoring uptime, downtime, and service disruptions. Organizations can identify and address issues promptly by continuously monitoring availability, minimizing the impact on user experiences and business operations.

3. User Journey Monitoring:

DEM involves monitoring and analyzing the entire user journey across various touchpoints. It helps identify potential points of friction and areas where users may encounter difficulties. Also, User journey monitoring enables organizations to gain insights into user behavior, track conversion funnels, and optimize the user experience at each stage.

4. Usability Monitoring:

Usability monitoring focuses on understanding how users interact with digital services and identifying areas where usability can be improved. Additionally, It involves capturing user interactions, collecting feedback, and conducting usability testing. Usability monitoring helps organizations identify usability issues, make data-driven design decisions, and enhance the overall user experience.

5. Synthetic Monitoring: 

Synthetic monitoring simulates user interactions and transactions to monitor the performance and availability of digital services proactively. It uses scripted scenarios to mimic user journeys and measure key performance indicators. Also, Synthetic monitoring helps organizations identify issues before real users encounter them, allowing for proactive troubleshooting and optimization.

6. Real User Monitoring (RUM): 

RUM involves monitoring the experiences of actual users in real-time. It captures data on user interactions, including page views, clicks, and user actions. Here RUM provides insights into user behavior, performance, and engagement metrics. By analyzing RUM data, organizations can identify patterns, trends, and user segments to improve personalization and tailor experiences to specific user groups.

7. End-to-End Visibility: 

Finally, DEM provides a holistic view of the entire digital ecosystem, including infrastructure, networks, applications, and third-party services. It enables organizations to identify dependencies, monitor the performance of interconnected systems, and troubleshoot issues that may arise across the technology stack. End-to-end visibility helps ensure seamless digital experiences by addressing issues that can impact user satisfaction.

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) is a comprehensive approach to monitoring and optimizing the quality of digital experiences. By implementing DEM practices, organizations can gain valuable insights into user experiences, proactively address issues, and continuously enhance their digital services to meet user expectations.

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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Ensure quality in Custom Software Delivery

With the ever-changing markets, technology, and software delivery have helped businesses on all fronts. And your business problems are just as unique as your business. That’s why custom software solutions can be critical for firms wanting to increase productivity, optimize procedures, and remain competitive. While off-the-shelf software may provide a one-size-fits-all solution, you can customize custom software to your business’s needs and goals. Additionally, as a company grows, it can extend and alter custom software solutions, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective over time. Have you ever thought of the quality of delivery in software?

But when it comes to software delivery, it is critical to ensure that the finished product satisfies your needs including quality and speed. Failure to deliver software that meets your needs and expectations can result in delays, additional expenses, poor quality, and even lost business. There are numerous actions that both the development team and you can take to guarantee that software delivery meets the requirements. Here we will give you some ways to make sure you get the delivery of your software according to your requirements.

1. Establish Clear Requirements for quality software delivery

Establishing explicit specifications from the start is one of the most critical phases in ensuring software delivery meets your objectives. The development team and you should collaborate to identify and record the software’s specific features, functionalities, and goals. This may entail holding meetings, conducting interviews, and developing precise specifications outlining the scope and purpose of the software.

2. Use Agile Development Methodologies

Agile development approaches are an excellent strategy to ensure iterative and client-focused software development. These approaches entail dividing the development process into smaller, more manageable stages that allow for regular feedback and revisions. It helps to ensure that the software satisfies your needs and expectations while also allowing for changes along the way.

3. Use User Acceptability Testing

User acceptability testing (UAT) is an important stage to verify that the software being produced satisfies your needs. This entails testing the software with representative users who will use it in real-world circumstances. UAT can assist in identifying any defects, usability difficulties, or performance concerns that the developers must resolve before releasing the program.

4. Get updates on the code

Regular code reviews can help to verify that the product being created is of good quality and satisfies your needs. Evaluate the software codes to discover potential flaws or places for improvement. Code reviews can help guarantee that the software is bug-free and adheres to industry standards and best practices.

5. Communicate regularly

Nothing is better than communication to ensure timely delivery. Regular communication with the development team is essential for ensuring that software delivery meets the requirements. This involves keeping you informed of progress, sharing updates, and seeking feedback throughout the development process. Regular communication can help to identify any issues or areas for improvement early on. Developers can make adjustments before it’s too late.

6. Make sure to Implement Quality Assurance for accurate software delivery

Implementing quality assurance processes is another critical step in ensuring that software delivery meets the requirements. QA processes can help to identify any bugs or issues before the software is released. It also ensures that it meets your requirements and expectations.

7. Ensure your developers use automated testing to save time 

Automated testing can aid the developer in ensuring that the software being produced satisfies your specifications. Automation can also save time and eliminate errors. Using software technologies to automate the testing process allows for faster and more efficient testing. Automated testing can aid in the early detection of bugs and other issues, allowing for faster resolution and more efficient delivery.

8. Regularly monitor metrics 

Monitoring performance metrics can help to ensure that the software meets your requirements in terms of performance, speed, and reliability. This involves setting benchmarks and monitoring metrics throughout the development process to ensure that the software meets these standards. Monitoring performance metrics can help to identify any areas that need improvement. Also, it can ensure that the software delivery is as per the requirement.

By working together with the development team and the client, you can ensure that your software delivery is according to your requirements. 

This is where we at Assystant have helped multiple clients across the globe. We will collaborate with you at every step of development so that we deliver world-class products exactly the way you want. Let’s 

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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Why Get A Custom Applicant Tracking System?

Right custom applicant tracking systems and recruiting the right candidates are some of the most critical components for any organization. A company’s success depends on the quality of its employees. But how can recruiters make sure they are hiring the right one if most of their time is used up doing mundane tasks like sorting through resumes and manually entering information?

One of the most overwhelming tasks for a recruiter can be sorting through candidates, interviews, and scores. Another bigger challenge is having to follow a process that is imposed on you by a SaaS application. It is very frustrating and can take up a lot of time. That is why most organizations use a custom ATS. For those who do not know what is an ATS, Applicant tracking systems help recruiters save a lot of time and effort in sorting through candidates and finding the right one.

Time is of the essence in today’s fast-paced world, and firms must streamline their hiring process to discover the finest employees swiftly. Investing in a custom Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for your recruitment team is one of the greatest methods to accomplish this. However, most SaaS products in the market are created with generic businesses kept in mind. But if your business is unique then why shouldn’t your ATS be? 

Not all ATS systems are made equal, and a custom applicant tracking system or custom ATS can provide a variety of advantages that off-the-shelf solutions just cannot match.

In this article, we’ll look at why investing in a custom ATS for your recruitment team is a good idea.

1. Adapt to Your Business Needs

One of the key benefits of a custom ATS is that it can be adapted to your company’s exact needs. An off-the-shelf ATS may not contain all of the functionality you require or may include features you do not require. A customized ATS can be created to meet your specific needs, ensuring that your recruitment process is simplified and efficient

2. Integration with Existing Systems

A customized ATS can also be coupled with existing systems such as your HRIS or payroll system. This connectivity guarantees that all of your data is in one place, reducing the possibility of errors and simplifying your recruitment efforts.

3. Improved Candidate Experience

Before the pandemic, companies did not take digital customer experience seriously as employees could easily visit your office. But why sacrifice the employee experience if you can have the best? With good employee experience, there is a level of satisfaction from both parties, the recruiter and the employee. 

You can avail a more personalized experience for your candidates by using a custom ATS. You can customize your ATS to match the appearance and feel of your business, making it easier for candidates to navigate and understand your recruitment process. This level of personalization can enhance the overall candidate experience, making your organization more appealing to top talent. 

4. Improved Productivity and Efficiency

Customer ATS automates a lot of the tedious and mundane HR-based tasks. This automation can free up your recruiting team’s time, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities. Like establishing new recruitment techniques or building relationships with candidates.

5. Better Analytics

A customized ATS may also offer superior analytics and reporting capabilities than off-the-shelf options. You may configure your ATS to measure the metrics that are most important to your company. For example time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and candidate conversion rates. This information can assist you in identifying areas for improvement in your hiring process and making data-driven decisions.

6. Greater Security and Control

A customized ATS also provides you with increased protection and control over your data. Off-the-shelf solutions may store your data on third-party servers, which can expose you to security risks. With a customized ATS, you can ensure that your data is secure and that you have complete control over who has access to it. With a custom ATS, you can instill your values and culture while hiring the right candidate. Also with custom ATS, you can make sure that your ATS hires the right candidate and does not reject candidates. 

Also, you can pay for the services that you want which makes the option much more cost-effective. 

A custom ATS can offer a wide range of benefits to your recruitment team. You can customize it to meet your specific business needs, integrate it with your current systems, improve candidate experience, increase efficiency and productivity, provide better analytics and reporting, and give you greater security and control over your data.

With a custom ATS, you can showcase your uniqueness keep an edge over the marketplace, and have a strong and competitive recruitment process, just the way you want.  This is where Assystant can help you. Our experts understand your business model and will build an ATS custom-made, just as you like.

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

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No-Code Software Development: A simple guide

Software projects these days are exceeding the number of coders available. There is a demand for software development designs to have systems so that a common person can develop software with limited or no technical knowledge at all. No code software makes it possible today. Hence the increasing demand for no code and low code development. No code development is a development concept that can help organizations escape the software developer skills shortage.

In short, It is a software development concept for building software that elevates your coding experience from textual to visual. You do not need to execute a single line of code and you can create software projects. 

A common misconception

A common misconception is that no code is the same as low-code. Low code and no code might have a similar objective of shifting the coding experience from textual to visual but they both are different in terms of implementation. 

  1. No code is built for non-tech people to create software applications. It emphasizes what to do but not how to do it. Whereas, low code on the other hand is a development frame that requires a professional developer to finish things off.
  2. Usually, it has a drag-and-drop interface. With no code you, the app creator define what the app does rather than how it does it. Whereas, low code platforms have pre-built functionality that enables users to build their application to a certain point but then later it will need the skills of a professional developer.

Another major misconception is that no code is used for all simple applications. But in reality, today many complicated applications are built using no-code software platforms.

How can no code help businesses?

  1. Speed:
    No-code platforms help businesses in increasing productivity as apps can be built at a much faster pace.
  2. Scale:
    No code codes are also easily changeable because you can implement a new logic and you can have your change, unlike traditional means of coding.
  3. Cost:
    Also, it can reduce the software development cost by hiring developers can get expensive. If you want to learn other effective ways to reduce software development costs, please read this.
  4. Reliability:
    With automated testing development time is also reduced. However, users must have a clear understanding of their requirements.
  5. Security:
    There can be a security risk as you do not own the code however it is great to build simple, out-of-the-box solutions with minimal customization

What to look out for in a no-code platform?

1. Ease of use. 

Your no-code platform must be easy to use. That is the most important thing to consider. If your no-code platform has many difficult functionalities wouldn’t it defeat the purpose?

2. Collaboration. 

Your platform must support collaboration from other developers to make sure that the software doesn’t need a lot of changes after it is created. Also, a collaborative tool will make sure that you can create better software projects. 

3. Cloud deployment

A good no-code platform will have everything online. This will make things easier and make the development process faster.

With technologies like no-code and low-code development frameworks, developers can create software with rich functionality easily.

As technology gives you the tools to create value in the market, Assystant will help you choose the right technology to create value-based solutions for your business objectives. Contact us to get in touch with one of our consultants for free consultations.

  • The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • In today’s globalized business landscape, outsourcing to offshore companies like those in India has become a popular strategy. This approach offers numerous benefits like cost savings, access to a wider talent pool, and improved efficiency. However, for true success, it’s crucial to remember the human touch. Building strong relationships with your outsourcing partner is essential… Continue reading The Humane Side of Outsourcing: Building Strong Relationships with Indian IT Teams

  • Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • In project creation and management, firms frequently confront the key decision between personnel/staff augmentation and project outsourcing. Both methodologies offer unique advantages and disadvantages, thus it is critical to select the best match depending on project scope, timeframes, budget, and internal capabilities. Staff augmentation: Staff augmentation entails supplementing a current in-house staff with outside personnel.… Continue reading Staff Augmentation vs Project Outsourcing: Selecting the Best Fit

  • Assystant is an AI first organisation

  • Assystant has strived to be an organization to support the best technologies in the market and create next gen and sustainable solutions in this everchanging market. Learn more

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